Thursday 8 May 2008

Final entry to blog!!!

My age is 21

I'm female

I'm doing a single honours degree in English
Being bad does relate quite well to the other modules I'm taking as i feel it helps to open up your mind and try to see things from other peoples points of view as well as your own. I believe this module really opens your eyes to the different opinions my peers hold about subjects i would probably never really have thought about before. I felt that the module was perfectly demanding as although the assignments were relatively short in comparison to other modules, the focus was more on thinking about your opinions and ideas on a topic than just fulfilling a word count. I believe the topics selected for the module were appropriate as they are things that affect our everyday life which every member of the class will have experienced directly or indirectly at some point. The approach for conducting the lectures was also satisfactory and the staff pleasant whilst being very diff rent yet equally passionate and informative about their chosen topic. My only problem was with the ignorant members of the class who insisted on talking throughout most the lectures. It takes me two hours to get to university so when I'm there i would like to learn and use my time properly rather then hear about how drunk these people got last night!!

I am considering doing 'It shouldn't be allowed' as it if it's anything like being bad it should be really interesting! The main thing i have learnt from the module is to think about what others may think about certain things before making my opinion and that every ones opinion is valid, it's what makes the world interesting! It will also be very helpful to take this attitude to all other aspects of my university study.

Overall i think 'Being bad' is a really interesting module that i would recommend to anybody as it really opens your eyes to the world around you.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Response to Matt Wards Blog

After reading Matt's blog about prostitution i can only say that the governments campaign has to be a good idea. Although i don't necessarily agree that prostitution is rape as the woman gives her consent even if it is only with the help of money. Prostitution is often caused by an addiction to drugs or poverty and these women are only doing it to fund a 'habit'. Perhaps if we could alleviate the option of prostitution to fund these problems we might be able to stop people buying drugs. Although i am aware that this is a somewhat naive view!

This website has all the statistics the government has on prostitution;
The link to Matt's blog

Lying with integrity

Is it ever possible to lie with integrity? I don't personally think so. A lie is a lie regardless, even if you tell your best friend that she looks nice in her new top but she looks silly, someone else might tell her that and then her feelings will be hurt. There is no reason to be mean but perhaps you could suggest something else that would look nice!i personally hate being lied to and lying to other people someone always ends up getting hurt, the truth is always the best policy. Personally I'm a hideous liar anyway i just can't do it, i always manage to give the game away!
Apparently this website offers some good examples of lies....
"Offers commentary on all aspects of falsehood, from politics to popular culture to the net. If you enjoy a good lie, you should read"


As a smoker myself i found this lecture very interesting as it gave many reasons as to why people might start smoking;

they think it's cool

It's something their parents did

Peer pressure

I never really felt any of these pressures really made me feel like i had to smoke. All of my friends tried smoking at the same time, we got one cigarette and tried it between us behind some sheds at school! I instantly liked it, i didn't cough or feel sick i loved it1 i think that's why I've always found it so hard to stop (which i know i should). However even as a smoker i agree with the idea behind the smoking ban in pubs etc it's not everyone else in the pub's fault that i smoke so they shouldn't have to breath in my smoke. Still this is not satisfying to some people, i was standing outside, with all the other smoking rejects o Saturday night when a non smoker walked through and started complaining about us being there!!! Where do these people want us to smoke? Smoking is seen as being bad but it's not illegal so we have just as much right to be outside as anyone else. Most of my non smoking friends moan about the ban as every half an hour they are left to sit inside the pub on their own!!!

To check out some facts on the effects of smoking have a look at ;

Monday 28 April 2008

Tatooing and body modification

Tattooing i feel is viewed wrongly by some, it is not just a rebellious teenage act but to some tribes is showing there respect and pride towards their heritage, such as with the Moko's and tattoo's received by some religious peoples. I personally think that tattoo's should be celebrated if you choose to receive them, they are a way of commemorating people who are no longer with us, celebrating people who are still here or even showing passion in something you believe in.

The only down side for some people with tattoo's is that they are permanent. When the Nazi's tattooed the Jew's with serial numbers they knew that even if they were freed that the mark they put on them would be there forever. They would never escape that moment in time. It must be awful to still have that with you 50+ years later.

However the artwork and skill that goes into most tattoo's is incredible and i think should be enjoyed and respected the way other artwork is.

Comments on Pauls Blog - infidelity

After reading Paul's blog i think i stand as confused as he does on the subject. Is infidelity ever a good idea? It may be fun while its working but what happens when the third party starts to fall in love with the cheater? That is always going to end up messy! I don't know if i could do it, life's to complicated on its own without having to start using different phones for people and being sneaky plus i can't lie so i would be useless at something like that.
In the end i think your conscience always gets you first if the person your betraying doesn't anyway!

Being to religous

As i christian myself i found the lecture to be very interesting and also slightly uncomfortable. George, the lecturer, started the lecture off with a prayer which left the class room in stunned silence! I thought this was a really interesting way of evoking a reaction from the class although some did not! I do believe that it is highly possible to be to religious and perhaps more than that to believe in one person who claims that the way to heaven is to commit suicide (such has occured in America more than once)! I believe religion is a very personal thing which should be utilised to help you live a better and more fulfilled life. In Christianity we use the ten commandments to help us to try and adhere to the way we should be living.

On the other hand it is becoming increasingly obvious that religion is becoming uncool amongst young people. This may be because most religions are seen as old fashioned. In some older churches prayers and hymns are said and sung in an archaic language that most people now are days are hardly likely to understand or connect with. I can only hope that the face of religion changes and becomes more welcoming and acceptable to those who choose to follow it. Even if you don't want to believe in anything other than the here and now we could all do with learning some compassion towards the people who inhabit this world other than ourselves.

Thursday 17 April 2008

If you want to find out more about drug use and some intresting experiments have a look at the following websites, don't worry there all legal!!!
Today we had a lecture on drugs and the question was raised about whether drugs should be legal or illegal. My stance on the subject is probably about a blurred as everyone elses! Before the lecture i was definitely against the idea of drugs being legal as i thought they were deadly. However, a few members of our group raised the question that perhaps it is not the drug in it's pure form that is deadly but the drug dealers that are 'cutting' the drugs with other items such as talcum powder. Therefore the issue was raised that if the drugs were made legal then there would be some sort of control over what was being put into the drugs. If drugs were made legal there may also be information on how to take them correctly so problems such as misuse and overdosing may be come infrequent or even erradicated. Hearing this point has definitely started to change my opinion on the control over drugs. It was also raised in the lecture that the only illegal drugs are the one's that the government can't dangerous drugs such as nicotine, alcohol etc are perfectly fine as the the people indulging in these past times are paying the government, highly, for the pleasure!

Tuesday 4 March 2008

comments on another blog

After looking at Nat's blog on stalking (available on the above link) i have to agree that even where celebrities are concerned stalking is not OK. Which is what the modern day paparazzi seem to do! I agree with the her pondering on the Princess Di incident. However it can be said that many celeb's now court the media and use them to their advantage to gain exposure, Paris Hilton anyone!!!!

Saturday 1 March 2008


After our lecture on masturbation this week i have been thinking about songs that refer to this act in their lyrics, apart from the ones mentioned in the lecture i have found on e more by Britney Spears (shocking i know!) the song is called 'Touch of my hand' and can be found on the 'In the zone' album. The lyrics are as follows...

I`m not ashamed of the things that I dream
I find myself flirting with the verge of obscene
Into the unknown, I will be bold
I¡¦m going to places I can be out of control
And I dont want to explain tonight
All the things Ive tried to hide
I shut myself out from the world so I
Can draw the blinds and Ill teach myself to fly
I love myself
Its not a sin
I cant control whats happenin
Cause I just discovered Imaginations taking over
Another day without a lover
The more I come to understand
The touch of my hand
From the small of my back and the arch of my feet
Lately Ive been noticin the beautiful me
I`m all in my skin and Im not gonna wait
I`m into myself in the most precious way
And I dont want to explain tonight
All the things Ive tried to hide
I shut myself out from the world so
I Can draw the blinds and Ill teach myself to fly
Cause I just discovered
Imaginations taking over
Another day without a lover
The more I come to understand
The touch of my hand
Theres a world undefined
And my body is mine
I wont be left behind
I`m already here
Cause I just discovered
Imaginations taking over
Another day without a lover
The more I come to understand
The touch of my hand
Cause I just discovered
Imaginations taking over
Another day without a lover
The more I come to understand
The touch of my hand

That's a pretty explicit song!!!

Theft and stalking my opinion

In my opinion theft is defiantly a bad thing. Whether it be from a little old lady's handbag or a large chain of stores, both of these have worked for what they own and it is their's alone,not something that should be taken just because somebody else would like what they have. The only argument on this case would be that the theft on the old lady is worse as the after effects to her would be worse than if something went missing from a large store. The store has the money and resources to replace the item that went missing with minimal hassle and as long as staff weren't involved then no actual person would have come to anyone harm. However the little old lady may have been hurt, be suffering from stress afterwards or may have become to afraid to be on her own. As with most crimes there is a spectrum that goes with it. In the instance of shop lifters the spectrum may begin at 15 year old girl who is only stealing to look cool with her friends whereas on the other end there may be an organised gang shoplifting to buy drugs.
As i said earlier there are no excuses for stealing but there is diffrent reasons as to why people do it.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Field trips we can go on?

I have seen an advertisement for a show called the 'house of horrors'. i thought that this sounded suitably bad!It apperaed, on the advert, to show all sorts of suitably strange behaviour. A trip to Amsterdam also sounds brilliant but i guess thats quite a field trip to arrange for 100 students!