Monday 28 April 2008

Being to religous

As i christian myself i found the lecture to be very interesting and also slightly uncomfortable. George, the lecturer, started the lecture off with a prayer which left the class room in stunned silence! I thought this was a really interesting way of evoking a reaction from the class although some did not! I do believe that it is highly possible to be to religious and perhaps more than that to believe in one person who claims that the way to heaven is to commit suicide (such has occured in America more than once)! I believe religion is a very personal thing which should be utilised to help you live a better and more fulfilled life. In Christianity we use the ten commandments to help us to try and adhere to the way we should be living.

On the other hand it is becoming increasingly obvious that religion is becoming uncool amongst young people. This may be because most religions are seen as old fashioned. In some older churches prayers and hymns are said and sung in an archaic language that most people now are days are hardly likely to understand or connect with. I can only hope that the face of religion changes and becomes more welcoming and acceptable to those who choose to follow it. Even if you don't want to believe in anything other than the here and now we could all do with learning some compassion towards the people who inhabit this world other than ourselves.

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