Thursday 17 April 2008

Today we had a lecture on drugs and the question was raised about whether drugs should be legal or illegal. My stance on the subject is probably about a blurred as everyone elses! Before the lecture i was definitely against the idea of drugs being legal as i thought they were deadly. However, a few members of our group raised the question that perhaps it is not the drug in it's pure form that is deadly but the drug dealers that are 'cutting' the drugs with other items such as talcum powder. Therefore the issue was raised that if the drugs were made legal then there would be some sort of control over what was being put into the drugs. If drugs were made legal there may also be information on how to take them correctly so problems such as misuse and overdosing may be come infrequent or even erradicated. Hearing this point has definitely started to change my opinion on the control over drugs. It was also raised in the lecture that the only illegal drugs are the one's that the government can't dangerous drugs such as nicotine, alcohol etc are perfectly fine as the the people indulging in these past times are paying the government, highly, for the pleasure!

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