Saturday 1 March 2008

Theft and stalking my opinion

In my opinion theft is defiantly a bad thing. Whether it be from a little old lady's handbag or a large chain of stores, both of these have worked for what they own and it is their's alone,not something that should be taken just because somebody else would like what they have. The only argument on this case would be that the theft on the old lady is worse as the after effects to her would be worse than if something went missing from a large store. The store has the money and resources to replace the item that went missing with minimal hassle and as long as staff weren't involved then no actual person would have come to anyone harm. However the little old lady may have been hurt, be suffering from stress afterwards or may have become to afraid to be on her own. As with most crimes there is a spectrum that goes with it. In the instance of shop lifters the spectrum may begin at 15 year old girl who is only stealing to look cool with her friends whereas on the other end there may be an organised gang shoplifting to buy drugs.
As i said earlier there are no excuses for stealing but there is diffrent reasons as to why people do it.

1 comment:

Danni said...

I totally agree with what you said about the fact that’s its worse for the old lady because of course it’s going to have a bigger effect on her than it would on a supermarket, it’ll probably affect her daily life for years to come. And I agree with what’s been said about the spectrum of shoplifting, each crime’s going to be unique and it depends on who’s been effected by the crime that determines how bad it is, and like you say, there’s no excuse for it but there are different reasons (i.e. stealing to feed family vs. stealing to fund organised drug ring?)